1) Leishmaniasis

Leshmaniasis Disease (Image: AOCD)

Leishmaniasis disease have similarity to Malaria, which is transmitted to human by sand fly bites. The mortality rate is 95% of Leishmaniasis also called “Black disease” or “kalazar” in Hindi term.

Sandfly (Wilkipedia)

2) Trypanosomiasis

Trypanosomiasis Disease (Image:Health Mad)

Trypanosomiasis Disease also known as” African Sleeping disease” or “Chagas disease” affecting millions of people . This sleeping sickness are caused by “tse-tse fly” bites. “Chagas “disease is transmitted by assasin bug bites or kissing bugs. Animals like donkey, cattle, dogs and horses are also affected by this sleeping disease.

Tse-Tse Fly (Wilkipedia)

Assasin Bug (image: Wilkipedia)

3) Bubonic Plague

Bubonic Plague (source:Health Mad)

In the 14th century, 50 million people recorded died of bubonic plague and named “Black Death” of the 14th century. The disease is transmitted by by rodent animals that includes rats, squirrels and rabbits.

4) Malaria Disease

Malaria Disease (source: Health Mad)

A common disease in the world transmitted by “anopheles mosquito” bites. Sources estimated that million of children die of Malaria every year.

5) Dengue Fever or DHF (Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

Aedes Mosquito (Wilkipedia)

Aedes aegypti mosquito bites transmit disease to human like this fatal Dengue fever, also called Dengue Hemorrhagic fever (DHF), acute febrite disease and is now endemic in more than 100 countries. This aedes aegypti mosquito attacks on daytime. DHF symptons are high fever, rashes, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pains, diarrhea ain most cases, muscle pains and joint pains (myalgias and arthralgias-severe pains, that’s why other name for dengue is “break-bone fever”. The plateletes count drops that and become fatal.

6) Yellow Fever

Yellow Fever (Wilkipedia)

Yellow fever’s symptons are the same with Malaria, disease transmitted by aedes mosquito bites. Yellow fever can be contaminated by other animals.

7) Onchocerceriasis

Onchocerciasis Disease (Health Mad)

Not deadly disease but causes blindness to million and transmitted by “Black fly” bites.

Black Fly (Wilkipedia)

8) Anthrax Disease

Anthrax Disease (Health Mad)

Infectious diseases caused by bacteria known as “bacterium Bacillius anthracis”. Animals like cattle, sheep and goats are affected by this disease and person working around this infected animals are contaminated and suffers swelling, sores, pneumonia, fever and blood poison and death.

9) Elephantiasis

Elephantiasis Disease (yahoo.image.com)

Elephantiasis Disease (yahoo.image.com)

Elephantiasis transmitted by mosquito and inject their larvae to human, but it can’t be notice immediately. And after few years enlargement of contaminated or infected parts can be noticed.

10) Rocky Mountain Fever

Rocky Mountain Fever

Caused by “rickettsial organism transmitted by tick bites coming from the wild rodents. It is also called “spotter fever” or “tick fever’.

Tick bug

Tick insects

11) Tularemia Disease

Tularemia Disease (Health Mad)

Tularemia or “rabbit fever” transmitted to human from animal tissues through ticks or fleas bites.

12) Brucellosis Disease

Brucellosis or “Malta fever”, caused by bacterium brucella, transmitted to human from infected animals unsterile milk and meat, like cattle, goats and swine. Symptons of brucellosis are high fever, sweating, weakness and aches and severe pains. Complications include arthritis, heart disease and brain damage.

13) Q Fever

Infectious disease transmitted by infected cattle, sheep and goats. The disease is characterized by chills, high fever and muscle pains and considered as one of the world’s infectious diseases infected by single bacterium. Most often this is airborne disease from contact with vaginal mucus, milk, feces, urine or semens of infected animals.

14) Schistosomiasis or Bilhaziasis Disease

schistosomiasis or Bilhaziasis Disease (Health Mad)

This is also known as “snail fever”, a disease very common in tropical country, caused by “fluke worm” that penetrates deeper into skin and invades circulatory system. The schistosomiasis disease are most common in South America, Africa and Asia.

15) Loa-Loa African eye Disease

Loa-Loa the African Eye Worm (Wilkipedia)

Loa Loa African eye-worms, the female worm produces eggs named,”microfilariae which circulates the blood stream. Then the adult worm wander through the eye tissue, crossing the conjunctiva of the eyes, thus called African Eye Worm. Endemic to countries of Western Africa, rain forests of Congo and Sudan. Transmitted by chrysops atlantilus and deer fly bites.

Chrysops Atlanticus Fly (Wilkipedia)

Deer Fly (Wilkipedia)

16) Loiasis Disease

This disease are transmitted from monkeys to human and vice versa by Loa loa Vector fly bite.

Loiasis Disease (Health Mad) Loa-loa Vector fly

17) Leptospirosis Disease

Leptospirosis Disease

Spirochette bacteria trnsmitted by rats, squirrels, rabbit, skunks, racoons, opposums, or foxes through urine or feces and is commonly in tropics. Transmitted to human especially with open wounds and infected urine enters the wound.

18) Avian Flu or Birds Flu

Avian Flu or Bird’s Flu (Health Mad)

Influenza virus from infected birds and fowls, and transmitted to human by airborne or eat the infected fowl’s meat. Avian flu could be fatal if not properly treated.

19) Rabies

Fatal viral disease caused by animal bites with infectious rabies like cats, dogs, wolves and most-warm blooded animals. Rabies attacks the central nervous system, and many reported cases died of rabies.

Patient Infected with Rabies (Wilkipedia)

20) Trichinosis Disease

Trichinosis Larvae (Wilkipedia)

Trichinosis or trichiniasis  bacteria, a parasitic worm affecting human by eating raw meat of pork, invading intestines and muscles and causes gastro-intestinal symptoms, stiffness of the muscles and severe pains.

21) Typhus (Typhoid Fever)

Typhus (Typhoid Fever) (Health Mad)

The symptoms are severe headaches, high fever, red rashes. The disease are transmitted to human by mites and body lice endemic to rodent animals like mice, rats, squirrels, raccoon.

22) Rickettsial Pox

Ricketsialpox Disease

Infected by mites’ bites and usually having high fever, chills, rashes. severe headaches, but most noticeable symptoms are rash-break cuts, and spam in the whole body of person infected.

23) Salmonella

Salmonella Disease (Wilkipedia)

Salmonella or “pink bone” are almost the same as ‘escherichia’ genus and found in cold and warm blooded animals ( that includes human) and their environment. Salmonellosis bacteria also causes typhoid fever (Typhus), paratyphoid fever and food-bone illness.

24) Trichomoniasis Disease

Trichomoniasis Disease (Yahoo.image.com)

This is a vaginal infection caused by trichomonas organism , very common disease in women and uncircumcised men, very common infection found in uncircumcised tip of penis.

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