Many celebrities owned a pet, they may be weird pets, strange but lovable, easy to train and tame. Some people have it taken care, in some animal sanctuary for the sake of family safety. How many of us are pet lovers and would want to pick and take care of them? Have you any choice what animal to take care for a pet? Here are some list for you to choose, and know some of the celebrity and their love for pets.

1) Kinkajou

Kinkajou (Wikipedia)

Kinkajou for a pet may be weird but cute, and looks like a hybrid of chinchilla, hamster and squirrel. Kinkajous are playful, sportive and mischievous. They are also called “sugar bear”.

Chinchilla (Wikipedia)

Squirrel commonly found in Sambalpur,India (Wikipedia)

Flying Squirrel, gliding (Wikipedia)

Flying squirrel otherwise called Petauristini or Pteromyini male great pets and easy to tame.

Hamster (Wikipedia)

Striped Skunk (Wikipedia)

Skunks with owner, Deborah Cipriani (

European Badger (Wikipedia)

Alpine Marmot (Wikipedia)

Visanthe Shiancoe with his Ferret pets (

2) Wallaby (Tiny Kangaroo)

Wallaby with Joey in the pocket (Wikipedia)

Wallaby are peaceful loving creature, and you can spend your whole day with these weird pets. They are not aggressive or dangerous, playful, hopping and jumping around.

3) Nigerian Dwarf Goats

Nigerian Dwarf Goats (Wikipedia)

Nigerian Dwarf twin goats (Wikipedia)

Nigerian dwarf goat, is a miniature breed of dairy goats and have easy maintenance and less expensive to take care and they are easy to train because of their gentleness.

Lambs of Kath Shelton, an Australian farmer (

Kath Shelton, an Australian farmer, have more or less 19 lambs and they are allowed to get inside his home for watching television and cuddle from their owner.

4) Anteater

Anteater (

Salvador Dali, owned a giant anteater, wherein he was fascinated of taking care of because of fear of ants, since he was a boy, when he found his dead bat pet full of ants, and since that time he had the love of taking care anteaters.

Anteaters Pua and Stewie (

Pua and Stewie are anteaters owned by Angela Goodwin from Oregon, and trained her pets how to open and raid her refrigerator, open the door and windows, drawers and cabinets and even containers. Angela Goodwin, made a blog about her life with her pets, Pua and Stewie.

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